Justine Létourneau

Terms & Conditions

Thank you for choosing our editorial services company!

Below are the terms and conditions that apply to our services:

  1. Services: Our company offers various editorial services, including copy editing, proofreading, and substantive editing. We will provide these services according to the specific instructions and requirements that you provide us.

  2. Payment: Payment is due upon receipt of our invoice. If payment is not received within 30 days of the invoice date, we reserve the right to charge interest at the rate of 1.5% per month until the outstanding balance is paid in full.

  3. Changes and Revisions: We will make revisions according to your feedback within a reasonable time frame. If additional changes are requested beyond the scope of the original project, we reserve the right to charge additional fees.

  4. Confidentiality: We will keep all client information confidential and will not disclose any information to third parties without prior written consent.

  5. Liability: Our liability is limited to the cost of our services, and we are not responsible for any indirect, incidental, or consequential damages that may arise from the use of our services.

  6. Termination: Either party may terminate the agreement with written notice if the other party breaches any of the terms and conditions outlined in this agreement.

  7. Ownership and Copyright: The client retains all ownership and copyright of their original work. However, we reserve the right to use the edited version of the work for our promotional purposes unless otherwise agreed upon in writing.

  8. Dispute Resolution: Any disputes arising from this agreement will be resolved through arbitration in accordance with the rules of the American Arbitration Association.

  9. Agents and Publishing: While we offer services to help you get your book ready for publishing, and query services to aid you in the process of finding an agent or publisher, we cannot guarantee that your book will be published or represented by an agent, as we only offer Editorial & Book Design services and are not a publishing house or literary agency.

  10. Governing Law: This agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the state in which our company is located.

By using our services, you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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