Justine Létourneau

Current Projects

Children's Book

Justine Létourneau is currently focusing on illustrating her own children's book series, written in rhyming verse with elegant and timeless hand-drawn/on-paper illustrations. This work is an attempt to keep a traditional book-art form alive in an increasingly digital world, to give kids something real and artistic to look at and engage with.

  • France
  • Spain 
  • Pierrot
  • Moon 
  • Stars 
  • Friendship 
  • Longing 
  • Inspiration 
  • Invention 

Travel Novel

Justine Létourneau is also writing a novel about artists and the artist's way of life, which takes place in Italy and France and follows a series of creative characters. This book is full of intellectual dialogue, vivid scenery, textural art environments, complex characters, and the delicious flavors of European pastry.

  • Europe
  • Travel
  • Fine Art
  • Artist Life 
  • Painting 
  • Cafés 
  • Pastry 
  • Literature 
  • Italy 
  • France 

Writing Log

Follow Author J. Létourneau's creative process on social media